Wanderlust. Noun. A strong desire to travel. That’s me on a normal day, so ratchet that up tenfold now that we’re all living in the Upside Down. Got so bad, I started scrolling through old photos to try and live vicariously through the me that was in those photos. Something I never realized I took as many pictures of: roads. I seem to particularly have a thing for the winding ones where you’re not quite sure what’s around the corner, so you approach it like a kid on Christmas morn, filled with anticipation, ready to see if this unexpected little gift will open up to reveal something truly amazing like that Red Rider BB Gun you’d been jonesing for all year. (Sorry. Ralphie from A Christmas Story flashback. No idea where that came from.) Having to stick close to home these past few months has had me dreaming of the open road, and the beauty and wonder and little surprises that often come with it. Below are some snapshots I took by just sticking my arm out of a moving car.

When we’re back in the right side up, where do you want your road to lead?
An excellent post, congratulations !!
Thank you, Mike.
What a great post and I love the pix! I’m copying your idea and writing my own travel post! And ps YOU-ME-ROADTRIP
Copy away. lol. And yes!!!! ROADTRIP!!!!
Hey Sis those are some great pics, love the scenery, make me wanna get on the road to see some of them.
Tony, I just keep staring at those pics and sighing!Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa